
Ralf Fiedler

National Contact Point
Forschungszentrum Jülich

Bilateral Meetings

  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 2 on Thursday 12:10-13:50

The Project Management Juelich is managing the main maritime funding programmes (Maritime Research Strategy 2025) in Germany. The NCP for Shipping and Marine Technology can offer advice for national as well as for European funding programmes (HORIZON 2020).

Organization Type Authority / Government,
Areas of Activities

Research cooperation


    Funding advice

    I offer national and European funding advice as German NCP in maritime technologies.

    Cooperation Offered
    1. Shipbuilding
    2. Maritime Innovations
    3. Ship equipment
    4. Maritime services
    5. Marine technology
    6. Ports and port technology
    7. UAV and naval systems
    8. Oceanology
    9. Marine ingredients