Dirt, work, costs and safety issues - unless your business is completely submerged, seagulls will affect your daily routine working with ships, boats, jettys, cranes, houses, sensors, cars, etc.
Like sissiphos we have to clean the 'combined toilet & dining room’ of the seagulls (which we call our jetty) every day - and they will prepare a mess every night.again and again. We have some experience and strategies in adressing and reducing the problem and are looking for some co-operation / networking /support in that field. For our harbour and jettys we are developing various combinations of affordable technology and procedures, in order to ‘suggest’ to the seagulls, there might be more convenient places for them to stay….. Our club is a non profit organisation, so we are not going to manufacture or sell our ideas and we neither will offer services nor compete with companies, willing to make a busines out of ‘seagull-control’. We are willing to share ideas in any kind of mutual cooperation. We have the test object, we have the knowledge and we have ideas, concepts and prototypes.We hope for partners, suffering from the same problem, and / or companies expecting a business opportunity and willing to support our activities. Any details of such kind of cooperation is open for discussion – but the work has to be done for our mutual benefit.
Research cooperation
Technical cooperation
Dirt, work, costs and safety issues - unless your business is completely submerged, seagulls will affect your daily routine workung with ships, boats, jettys, cranes, houses, sensors, cars, etc.
Like sissiphos we have to clean the 'combined toilet & dining room’ of the seagulls (which we call our jetty) every day - and they will prepare a mess every night.again and again.
We have some experience and strategies in adressing and reducing the problem and are looking for some co-operation / networking /support in that field.
For our harbour and jettys we are developing various combinations of affordable technology and procedures, in order to ‘suggest’ to the seagulls, there might be more convenient places for them to stay…..
Our club is a non profit organisation, so we are not going to manufacture or sell our ideas and we neither will offer services nor compete with companies, willing to make a business out of ‘seagull-control’.
We are willing to share ideas in any kind of mutual cooperation. We have the test object, we have the knowledge and we have ideas, concepts and prototypes.
We hope for partners, suffering from the same problem, and / or companies expecting a business opportunity and willing to support our activities. Any details of such kind of cooperation are open for discussion – but the work has to be done for mutual benefit.
- Others
- Maritime Innovations
- Marine technology
- Maritime Innovations