Bilateral Meetings
- I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
- I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 2 on Thursday 12:10-13:50
DescriptionMaritime startup based in Denmark providing safe and comfortable crew transfer for the offshore industries
Organization Type
Startup, Company
Areas of Activities
Technical cooperation
Manufacturing agreement
Stabilizer systems for offshore crew transfer vessels
Based on our patented Airkeel technology, we at Dacoma design, build, test and install stabilizer systems, that damp roll motion of crew transfer vessels. With our system, the weather window of building, operation and servicing offshore installations, e.g. wind farms, can be extended by 12 %. Installation and service crew productivity can be increased by 20%. In addition, our Airkeel saves fuel.
Cooperation Offered
- Shipbuilding
- Maritime Innovations
- Ship equipment
Cooperation Requested
- Shipbuilding
- Maritime services
- Marine technology