Bilateral Meetings
- I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
DescriptionDiWiSH (Digital Economy Schleswig-Holstein) focuses solely on the IT and digital media industry. The main task is to support the industry’s competitiveness, to encourage innovation and to create new employment. The cluster management organises a variety of activities to support the industry. It organises networking events, runs seminars and workshops and supports their member’s activities to encourage know-how-transfer between the players. It also encourages collaborative projects between companies and universities in the region, provides valuable contacts and advises on public funding programs.
Feel free to contact us for any connection to our strong network of local IT experts & companies. If you are interested to speak at any of our events (e.g. about AI, Industry 4.0, maritime projectmanagement) we are very happy to get to know you.
Feel free to contact us for any connection to our strong network of local IT experts & companies. If you are interested to speak at any of our events (e.g. about AI, Industry 4.0, maritime projectmanagement) we are very happy to get to know you.
Organization Type
Cluster / Association / Agency
Areas of Activities