Luis Guillermo Ortega Mendez

Business Developer
Mexco Systems

Bilateral Meetings

  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 2 on Thursday 12:10-13:50
DescriptionWe offer a modular platform for the shipping industry With our platform Apanotli we want to allow the companies to work faster, increase their performance and by doing so reduce their CO2 emissions and cut their costs dramatically.
Organization Type Startup,
Areas of Activities

Research cooperation

    Technical cooperation





          With our platform Apanotli we want to allow the companies to work faster, increase their performance and by doing so reduce their CO2 emissions and cut their costs dramatically.

          Cooperation Offered
          1. Maritime Innovations
          2. Marine technology
          3. Ports and port technology
          4. UAV and naval systems