
Tomir Pietkiewicz

Tomir Pietkiewicz Hull Structures

Bilateral Meetings

  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 2 on Thursday 12:10-13:50
DescriptionTomir Pietkiewicz Hull Structures provides services mainly to Shipbuilding, Shipping and Offshore Industries. Our core services are related to design and structural analysis of ships and marine structures. We offer local & global strength and vibration analysis as well as technical advisory for the design of new ships, conversions, damage investigations and ship’s hull repair. Thanks to many years of professional experience with a background in design, classification and technical advisory, Hull Structures can also offer service packages containing: preliminary cost assessment and consultancy, analysis, drawings preparation, support during classification process and supervising during execution in shipyard. In more complex projects we partner with other design offices. Last but not least – we are also ready to offer preparation of computer 3D visualizations, interactive virtual reality presentations or VR simulation software.
Organization Type Startup, Company
Areas of Activities

Research cooperation

    Technical cooperation


      Hull structural analysis and damage investigations

      Structural analysis is one of our core offerings. We are ready to perform on your behalf the following strength analysis:

      - FE global strength & vibration analysis
      - FE local strength & vibration analysis
      - FE cargo hold analysis
      - preparation of the FE model
      - preparation of load cases / loading conditions
      - hull structure weight optimalization
      - calculations according to class rules
      - root cause analysis & damage investigations

      Keywords: FEMhullstructural analysis
      Cooperation Offered
      1. Ship equipment
      2. Shipbuilding

      VR & AR simulations and visualizations

      3D models, interactive presentations, Virtual & Augmented reality – all that can be used for marketing purposed or as training of your employees and/or customers. VR & AR models may also support you during the design stage and usage of your product. For mobile, desktop, VR platforms or as a content of your web page we can prepare for you:

      - Virtual Reality and 3D training simulators, e.g.: gantry crane, ROV, agricultural machinery, patrol boat, etc.
      - Virtual Reality, interactive presentations or movies, e.g.: product assembly process
      - 360 degrees stereoscopic pictures rendered from your 3D models
      - 360 degrees pictures or movies from specified location
      - Integration of your databases / lists with 3D visualization software
      - Augmented reality manuals or visualizations

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Shipbuilding
      2. Maritime Innovations
      3. Ship equipment
      4. Maritime services
      5. Marine technology
      6. Ports and port technology
      7. UAV and naval systems
      8. Oceanology
      9. Others

      Technical Advisory

      Hull Structures experience entails design, drawing approval and technical advisory for design offices, shipyards and owners for many new buildings and conversion projects. Many of those were innovative or breakthrough designs, to name a few: vessel with Flettner rotor propulsion, conversion of single skin tanker into semi-submersible heavy lifter or container vessel into life stock carrier. Further on we were dealing with: flexible car carriers, life fish carrier, new generation of very large container vessels 4k – 18k, atypical launching feasibility studies, independent tank C type fully pressurized bilobe design and many, many more.

      Our professional experience gained during those projects will help you avoid unpleasant and typically unavoidable surprises during prototype design. With our assistance you will step into new vessel’s type market without reinventing the wheel again and with reduced risk.

      Cooperation Offered
      1. Ports and port technology
      2. Maritime services
      3. Ship equipment
      4. Maritime Innovations
      5. Shipbuilding