Lasse Pedersen
GlobalConnect GmbH
Bilateral Meetings
- I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
- I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 2 on Thursday 12:10-13:50
DescriptionFibre infrastructure and internet access for B2B-customers in Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden.
Organization Type
Areas of Activities
Distribution services
Technical cooperation
Fibre infrastructure in the Nordics
We offer fibre infrastructure, digital services and datacenters in Germany, Denmark, Norway and Sweden
Cooperation Offered
- Others
Glasfaser und Digitalisierung
Die GlobalConnect versorgt Unternehmen mit innovativen Glasfaserdienstleistungen und fördert die Digitalisierung mit zukunftsweisenden Services.