
John Christensen

Sales Manager
SH Group A/S

Bilateral Meetings

  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 1 on Thursday 10:30-12:10
  • I confirm to participate in b2b sessions block 2 on Thursday 12:10-13:50

We are an international company in the development, production and servicing of hydraulic, mechanical and electric system solutions for the offshore, marine and industrial sectors.

We provide a wide range of high-end technology solutions and services within customised deck equipment solutions, systems for subsea handling operations and lifeboat solutions approved for SOLAS and NORSOK.

Founded in 1974, we currently employ more than 300 qualified employees at the headquarter in Svendborg, the service department at Lindø Industrial Park in Odense, in Sandnes, Norway, office/workshop Esbjerg, Denmark and since 2019 in Frederikshavn, Denmark.

At the headquarter in Svendborg we have a ground area of 45.000 m2 and more than 10.500 m2 buildings.

Organization Type Company
Areas of Activities

Technical cooperation




        Development, production and servicing

        Development, production and servicing of hydraulic, mechanical and electrical system solutions for the offshore, marine and industrial sectors

        Keywords: servicedevelopmenthydraulicmechanicalelectricoffshorewindmarine
        Cooperation Offered
        1. Maritime Innovations
        2. Ship equipment
        3. Maritime services
        4. Others